Improve Posture
Build Strength
Increase Mobility

At Santa Cruz Biomechanics we help you fine-tune your body's mechanics in order to eliminate pain and boost strength, athleticism, and overall movement health.
This transformative approach to fitness aligns your training with your body's genetic code: enhancing athleticism and coordination, while reducing risk of injury and rehabilitating the body systems.

These activities defined our survival in nature over the course of millions of years. Functional Patterns training provides a systematic approach towards success within these movement characteristics, helping you achieve optimal health.

These activities defined our survival in nature over the course of millions of years. Functional Patterns training provides a systematic approach towards success within these movement characteristics, helping you achieve optimal health.

50lbs weight loss. Plantar fasciitis, sciatica, back pain, and migraine relief.

Improved scoliosis, pelvis and ribcage connectivity, and pain reduction.

Improved kypho-lordosis, intra-abdominal pressure and back pain elimination.
Post pregnacy abdominal re-tension. Neck, back and foot pain elimination.

"moments of challenge are now met with a plan of clear action"
Training FP has been a life saver! My pain is significantly reduced. I am substantially more comfortable and joyful in my own body. I have periods of time where I am strain and struggle free. I feel empowered and equipped with how to get my body out of a challenging pattern and into a functional one when that arises. My body is now a source of curiosity, opportunity and power instead of something to recoil from or be burdened with. The moments of challenge are now met with a plan of clear action to get me on the right side - into hope and even exhilaration. Feeling physically light, free, and fluid are of extreme importance to me and FP has got me back to that in a way nothing else has. I am INCREDIBLY thankful to Jessa. I cannot say enough about how much her trained eye, her awareness of the systems of the body and her skilled vocabulary of movements impressed me. She is truly a gift to anyone who is interested in relating to their body in a healthy and balanced way. Sessions with her felt like a gift. Each and every one. New insights, careful thought and examination, encouragement, a belief that effort produces growth, permission to try new things, to go with my instincts, to push myself with internal wisdom and see what happens, these are all things Jessa offered to me and for which I am truly eternally grateful.

"best way to make significant, sustainable, long-term change"
The changes in my body are remarkable. Gio was referred to me by a friend who thought his approach might help my chronic lower back and hip pain. When we started, I didn't know anything about myofascial release or Functional Patterns. During our first meeting, Gio asked me to trust in the work we were about to embark on. I did, and as a result, Gio has evolved my understanding of what it means to be fit. As my trainer, he thinks critically and thoughtfully about what is going to work for my unique biomechanics and life history. He is committed to continuing his own growth and is an endless well of ideas, variations in movement and information on health, fitness, and anatomy. He doesn't push gratuitously or judge. It is a gentle approach, but has been the catalyst I needed to push myself harder because I see and feel changes in my own body. In my opinion, this is the best way to make significant, sustainable, long-term change because I love how my body is connecting and I want to keep progressing. Most importantly, I am not in constant pain anymore and on the rare occasions when I am, Gio has given me tools and skills to get myself back on track. Other important qualities: Gio is a good communicator (reliably answers texts, phone calls) and always remembers where you are at. He is smart, dependable, punctual, easy going, and professional. If you are lucky enough to work with Gio long-term be prepared to be challenged, supported, work hard, and to just enjoy hanging out. I highly recommend Gio!